About Me

My name is Abdelrahman Ashraf. I am still a high school student. I have a passion for Web Development. I code in my free time. I have finished many projects, but most of them are under edit. I focused on Backend first, so most of my projects have unfinished designs. It started when I saw a course called cs50, and discovered Mimo app, and “Yehia tech” YouTube channel. I have been learning Web Dev since 2021. As you see, I am lost in the Ocean of life. Soon this map will be finished.

If you find that message, know that I’m still in my senior year.

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Projects Area

To Do List

A to-do list that you can add tasks with multiple priorities and remove them after you finish them. Don't worry if you reload the page, your tasks will stay.


Just a regular lamp that you can play with the switches and buttons to play with it.

Guessing Game

It's finished but needs a database, so we are figuring it out.